Online Zeitung

Red Lentil Soup

Chef in disguise

Ramadan Mubarak 🙂

Today marks the 4th day of Ramadan. Every year, I try to tell you a little more about Ramadan, fasting, the traditions and memories associated with this special time of the year.

Many think that Ramadan is only about abstaining from food and drinks from sunrise till sunset. In reality that is only the entry level of the fast. The basic requirements that you must fulfil. But as I told you before, Ramadan is actually a spiritual, moral and mental boot camp that is supposed to teach you that you are in control. You can control your hunger, thirst  but more importantly you have to control your anger, desires and everything that you are.

Chef in disguise Lentil soup

Every year I go into Ramadan with a set of goals that I want to work towards in this 30 day boot camp.I see it as a chance to grow, personally and spiritually.

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Author: Nilzeitung

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