Online Zeitung

Horse Blogs. Blogging for a Niche Market.



“How can I get more traffic on my blog?” I asked. “Well, your blog is not a lifestyle blog, or a fashion blog or a food blog, it’s a horse blog. That’s a niche market.” This was my daughters reply. She had a very successful lifestyle blog and now is program manager of social media and marketing at a consultancy firm. So, I believe she knows what she’s talking about.

Niche: adjective, denoting products, services or interests that appeal to a small specific section of the population.


I had started my blog site Horse Addict and had it up and running for a couple of months and was wondering how I could get more readers. Now, I knew I had a “niche” market I was writing for.  I also knew that most of my readers were likely to be amateur riders like myself.  In the US there are about 43,000…

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Author: Nilzeitung

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4 thoughts on “Horse Blogs. Blogging for a Niche Market.

  1. And I like that about your blog!

    Liked by 1 person