Online Zeitung

Never Give Up — Empowered


There is a place for you out there. You can have an impact. You can change the world. You just have to be willing enough to try it, strong enough to pursue it. At the beginning, no one might understand you. But you should never stop believing. Believing that there is a light for you, […]

via Never Give Up — Empowered

Author: Nilzeitung

Danke für ihren Besuch.!!"dieser Seite im Aufbau". Es stimmt, dass es keine Freiheit ohne Pressefreiheit gibt. Wahrer Frieden des Journalismus ist eine der Säulen der Demokratie (Salah El-Nemr) se/nz.

4 thoughts on “Never Give Up — Empowered

  1. Thank you for the support!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. That has been my life, over 67 years. There are still those who don’t understand me, but give up? Nah!

    Liked by 2 people

    • Great attitude and that is part of our part personalities of strong people
      but there are also people who unfortunately can not do that and they can also learn it like us !!!!! so we have to help !!! Thank you so much !!! to them !!! and a nice day,

      Liked by 2 people